Loosen Up.
Step into the fast lane of recovery and rejuvenation with compression therapy – your ticket to peak performance. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete pushing your limits or someone battling daily joint stiffness, this cutting-edge treatment is your secret weapon.
Ease the Pain with Compression Therapy.
With targeted pressure, compression therapy boosts circulation, reduces swelling and alleviates soreness giving your muscles and joints the TLC they deserve. So, whether you’re chasing personal bests or just aiming for a pain-free day, compression therapy has your back (and knees, and shoulders!) Say goodbye to stiffness and hello to freedom of movement with compression therapy!
How does NormaTec compression work?
NormaTec compression uses a specific pulse technology that employs three techniques to help with the body’s recovery process.
Pulsing Compression – NormaTec uses pulsing compression as compared to static compression. The pulsing pattern is more effective because it mimics the way the muscles pump in the arms and legs, and helps move the fluid in the limbs.
Gradients – NormaTec utilizes pressures to keep fluid in the limbs from being moved in the wrong direction.
Distal release – NormaTec “releases the hold pressures” once they’re not needed in order to prevent backflow. The NormaTec method releases the hold pressure as soon as possible, allowing each part of the limb/leg to have the most rest time it can without a huge pause between the cycles.
When should you not use compression therapy?
If any of the following contraindications are present, compression therapy should be not be carried out: uncompensated organ failure (i.e., heart, liver, or renal), untreated deep vein thrombosis or phlebitis or severe arterial disease unless ordered by a vascular surgeon or Physician.